Aluminium Heat-Insulation Windows
The Stars range of QFORT is now enhanced with the aluminium windows, characterized by a higher durability, by excellent thermal and heat-proofing properties and by a modern and elegant design.
The windows for Stars series of QFORT are divided according to their technical specifications and functions, to 7Stars View, 7Stars, 7Stars Reversible, 6Stars View, 5Stars View, 6Stars and 5Stars.
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Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT Benefits

Life Standard Comfort and Quality
Aluminium Windows Stars by Qfort series have excellent sound insulation properties, both due to their profile and also to the heat-proofing glass included therein.
The high sound protection is accompanied by an elegant and modern look and by an easy maintenance, enhancing the comfort and the life standard quality.

The aluminium profiles are characterized by a higher durability in time (up to 50 years), thicknesses of 70 and 80 mm being available, with visible or hidden sash.
Together with the profiles, the hinges and gaskets, the aluminium windows are very well sealed and have additional resistance to rainfall or snow deposits.

Energy saving
Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT are equipped with high quality thermal insulating glass panes that render them excellent thermal insulating properties.
Moreover, the aluminium systems are equipped with a heat barrier of polyamide and an additional insulation of polyurethane foam, these features leading to a higher thermal insulation capability.

Protection and Security
The aluminium windows provide a high level of protection and security because of their high-quality hardware.
Apart from the hardware, Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT are equipped with resistant and quality handles, handles with key being also available as an option, rendering a plus of security.
Customisation of the Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT

Aluminium Windows Colour Palette
Apart from their modern and elegant design, the Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT series are available in a wide range of colours, giving you the possibility to customize your home according to your taste and preference, harmonized with all the other interior design elements you opted for.
Themal-Insulating Glass for Aluminium Windows
In addition to being built to last, the Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT are designed to give you the possibility of connecting to the exterior, at the same time providing a high level of intimacy.
The glass that is part of the thermal insulating glazing used in the manufacturing of QFORT aluminium windows is the same as with the PVC windows, being made in the most modern factories by Saint-Gobain (France), one of the most important manufacturers in this industry.

Hardware and Accessories for the Aluminium Thermal-Insulating Windows Stars by QFORT
Both the hardware of the aluminium windows and the respective accessories are of the highest quality, generating long term benefits to our products.
Opening Systems
Depending on the type and particularities of the selected aluminium profiles, you can choose from a variety of opening systems designed to meet your most complex needs.

Thermal insulation
Aluminium Windows Stars by QFORT are designed to enhance the energy efficiency of your home or of the buildings they are used for.
They are equipped with highest quality thermal insulating glass, in assemblies that reach thicknesses up to 60 mm, depending on the profile and helping in reducing the energy costs both during the hot season and in winter.
Sound insulation
In order to increase the comfort of the residence, we designed the aluminium windows to provide an exceptionally high protection against the outdoor noise, thus guaranteeing you also a high level of intimacy.
The sound insulation properties of QFORT Aluminium Windows are generated and influenced by the glass installed therein and by the thickness of the selected profile, varying according to the profile type.

Aluminium Balcony Doors by QFORT Stars
Depending on the particularities of each individual aluminium profile, it is possible to install aluminium balcony doors with full frame or with simple opening.
These take over the sound and thermal insulation capabilities, the durability and, of course, the minimalist aspect rendered by the modern and elegant design of the aluminium profiles, providing a plus of comfort and value to your residence and adapting it to any preference, interior design or architectural elements.
Learn more about the opening systems available for QFORT balcony doors!
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* The warranty period may vary depending on the components and specifications of the product. Please refer to the warranty certificate for more details.